Thursday 12 May 2016

Why I love humans

This is a copy and paste from a facebook comment I made a few months ago. Simply, the topic came to 'do you love humans or not'. And when I answered it, I realised I had a prett good comment that I could upload to my blog. I hope you enjoy it.

"Ok, here it goes.

Well first some of the downsides: We still act tribally, we are still somewhat selfish and we still have wars.

But now, why do I love humans?

Well, firstly, every human(no matter how good or bad the person is) that you meet on the street is a being with his friends and family. He is a being with his own thoughts. His own story. His own fears and weaknesses as well as his hopes and strengths. He can have a bad day, or worse, he could have big problems in his life at the moment. Also he can have a good day, or he can even have the best time in his life. And the process of finding a girlfiriend/boyfriend or having a job or going to education is also stressful. 95% of those people are either members of the middle or lower class.
And yet with all those problems and drama 99% of people still find the strength to wake up each day. All of that makes humans interesting to watch.
When I think of strangers like that, those strangers do not seem like such strangers that much. At the end of the day, if someone dies there will very probably be some parent, widow, child or friend that will cry at his funeral.And to add up to all of this still each of us is somehow different from the other ones. Or to sum this paragraph up, I both can relate to humans a bit and I do indeed find them interesting to watch.

Secondly, humanity with all of its flaws, occasionally it does show signs of improvement... VERY SLOWLY. Compare it to how it was during and before WWII. How it was 500 years ago. 1000, 2000, 5000, 100000 years ago.
Fact is that humanity is the most dominant species of all time. We are more dominant than the dinosaurs ever were(not yet by much though). We are also the only species with a developed conscience(the only 'known' species if we include aliens). I have just recently read that scientists are pretty close to detecting which brain functions turns a normal person into a murdering psychopath and how to stop it. Not only that but we are so far the only known species that has left the atmosphere of its own planet. We are the only species capable of abstract thought.

Thirdly, I am a part of it, and so are my friends, you know the good people, or at least the ones I like. If humanity dies, I die and so do my friends. If humanity survives, I still might die, but there is a chance of survival.
To be honest, to me it probably is one of the few things other than my friends towards which I feel some kind of loyality. Nations and religions do not mean much to me.

Fourthly, there is also a sense of grattitude. I am alive because my parents wanted to have a child. And now remember paragraph 1. But I am also alive because a farmer had some animals, for which he worked hard to grow those animals big. This same farmer sold those animals to a butcher, who worked hard to process the meat. The same meat that I ate.
I am also alive because a policeman did his duty. And because the doctors whom I went to nursed me back to health. Then there are the firemen as well. They all have their bad and good sides. I have this comfy chair and my laptop because many people worked hard to make them in a factory. Even more people worked in mines to dig up the materials for them. Sure, they all were paid(I hope) more or less for what they did, but they all contributed."

Here I explained some reasons why I love humans. You may disagree with me, that is within your freedom. But those are the reasons why I think we should fight any opressors of human rights and any opressors of freedom. That is also why we should help feed the poor and why we should support the poor lower classes. Those are the reasons why we should fight for peace and a more free and simultaneusly equal world. Those are the reasons why we should fight not for a utopia, but for a better real world. But we must also never feel fear because trough fear they control us.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

How the radical right is helping ISIS

Basically, the european radical right is actually helping ISIS goals. What is their goal? ISIS goal is to create a WWIII between the muslims and the rest.

To understand that we must know 3 facts:
1) What we have today is not the largest migration ever. It is quite large, but ever since the Roman empire and the Huns we have had so many large migrations inside of europe that it is impossible to count all of them.
2) Nobody in history ever has been able to stop migrations. Ever. People even manage to migrate in and out of North Korea.
3) ISIS wants you to hate muslims.

Now, I don't want to protect Islam in any way. Islam is a backwards religion, just like well almost any religion.(In fact the concept of religion itself is backwards)

Why does ISIS want you to hate muslims?
Well it is the same old cycle of hatred concept. Remember that the goal of ISIS is WWIII?
Step 1 of their plan is to cause terror. This will create a fear of muslims, and that same fear will create hate. They are trying to radicalise Europe into a muslim hating fascist state. So far unfortunately they have had some success, especially in some eastern/central european countries.
Step 2 of their plan is that European radical rightists start attacking muslims in their own countries. This will then radicalise those muslims. It will make terrorists out of moderate muslims and further reinforce step 1. Mistreated muslims and immigrants will become militant. It is easy to recruit a muslim who was mistreated by european nationalists into terrorist organisations. They will spread the news of what is happenning to the middle east too.
Step 3 is to use the news of what is happening in Europe to further radicalise any moderate muslims that exist in the middle east. The goals of steps 1-3 is to create two opposing sides, two armies of people that hate each other.
Step 4 is war.

So really, while the radical right is thinking they are fighting ISIS, they are really actually helping them, because ISIS actually anticipated their reaction.

What do I want you to learn from this? Well just a few things:
-Fear is the mind killer. By allowing yourself to feel fear you are allowing people to control you.

Sunday 27 March 2016

A 'flaw' in Linux detected!

As a geek and wannabe system/network/whatever administrator I very much love to work with computers.
I have used Linux since 2010, used it as my main OS since 2012, and as my only OS since 2014(with an interrupt in fall 2014).

However linux has a big FLAW for me.
It is too boring. There is no maintenance. Back when I was on Windows I had to make myself useful by picking the right AV and firewall, regularly updating them. I had to constantly fix registry errors and clear the cache(CCleaner anyone?). I had to defragment regularly. I also occassionally manually checked for viruses.

However, when I completely switched to Linux, all of that disappeared. For whatever reason, desktop Linux malware is almost nonexistant. There is no registry,just an occassional dependency problem which happens once every few months(on average) and is easily fixable. Cache filling is there but it's effect on performance is negligible. Filesystem fragmentation is also negligible. Systems that have been running for 10 years get like 1% of fragmentation. Manual virus checks, well I do have Clam-TK installed but basically I have it just for fun because I am a crypto-geek. As for firewalls, it has the most powerful firewall built directly into the kernel, and it even has sane defaults most of the time(iptables).

The only solution I have to fix this problem is that I can try to customise my Linux install. The good news here is that the customisation options are limitless. I can spend anywhere from 0 seconds to months customising and I would still only be limited by my skill. If I want to I can even go into the source code, reprogram it and recompile it.

What is your comment on this big 'flaw' :P of Linux?

p.s. if you still haven't understood, that 'flaw' is just a sarcastic way of saying it is an advantage.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Why are radical feminists and radical SJW's a problem of the modern left, not a solution

Why are radical feminists and radical SJW's a problem of the modern left, not a solution?
Before I commence, yes I am definitely a leftie. At least I identify as one. However, lately, there is a rift opening on the left.

To think about this question, we should first think of what the political left really  is? What is the modern political left? What are its values? And what are its goals? We also need to know what are the goals of radical feminists and radical SJW's("Social Justice Warriors") and what exactly are they.

The political left can be most widely defined as a movement of people who aspire to bring untraditional philosophies and values to their society. The political right on the opposite wants to keep the traditional values or bring them back.

In modern times it means that the left is for progressivism. This usually includes economic ideas like Liberalism, Social democracy, Socialism, Anarchism. It also includes cultural ideas like Egalitarianism(equal rights for everyone), Multiculturalism, political correctness (a.k.a. social justice), Pacifism, Environmentalism, civil rights movements and feminism. And Liberalism and Anarchism can be described as both economic and cultural ideas. So yes individual freedom is a key component of leftism.

By now you could have concluded that feminism and SJW's belong to the left. While that is certainly true, I personally believe that modern feminist and SJW movements do more harm than good to leftism. But in a way also, recently they are starting to belong less and less to the left. Why is that so?

Well, there are at least 2 reasons. The first one is the fact that popularity is very important in politics. Even in non-democratic systems once you reach a certain point of unpopularity you are going to have an uprising. Feminists and SJW's, the way most of them act on the internet is like a victim. While that is fine, a radical core among them has formed. That core isn't just fighting for equality. That core is trying to switch from being the victim to being the aggresor. And the wider public has recognised this. As a follow up the wider public is also often thinking about the rest of leftism like that. And since popularity is so important in politics it translates as a problem. Radical feminists and SJW's are acting increasingly like some kind of mini dictators, and the wider public is not receiving it well. They want tolerance but they are not prepared to give it back.

The second one, and the reason why those 2 movements are getting increasingly distant from the left is the fact that those movements are more and more starting to act like single issue politics. Single issue politics are fine, but only as long as they affect only that single issue. Feminists and SJW's while they stress their one single issue, they are trying to affect a much wider area of politics indirectly. Their approach on other leftist ideals has shifted from friendly to 'laissez faire'. If you ask a feminist or SJW about the importance of personal freedoms he will probably say something like he likes it as long as it does not cross their beliefs of social justice or feminism. While that is certainly fine, as soon as you read their blogs you will soon notice that they never advocate personal freedoms and that other leftist ideas are something that they often stomp on. In fact they often act as irrationally as some traditionalists except that feminism and social justice has become their tradition. So while they are on the left, they have become quite irrational, a decade ago the main argument for the political left against the political right was that the right is too irrational. Radical feminism and SJW's are like a political right that has grown inside the political left.

So while as a leftist I believe that their issues and concerns are valid, they resemble Stalin a lot(in a very negative way), the funny thing is that although Stalin was a communist his regime had elements of rightism. Their approach to solving their issues is terrible. With the way they think they have become the same close minded monsters that leftists despise. Plus they often sound very much like '1st world problems'.

So what approaches can the left take to fix this?
Well, there are only long term approaches IMHO. So think in decades not in years.
One approach would be an approach of re-education. Leftists should approach them, tell them that they understand their issues, but that there are other issues that are just as important if not more important than that, like personal freedoms, general progressivism and other leftist ideas. I like this approach the most. I like it because ultimately there is no problem with teir ideals, but there is a big problem on how tthey approach those same ideals.

A second approach would be to adapt to them. Of course, this is my least favourite approach, because that would mean the abandonment of the ideals of personal freedoms andthe abandonment os some other leftist ideas. It would also mean becoming increasingly authoritarian. Liberalism would become a completely rightist thing. Also it would mean that the political left would become increasingly irrational and emotional, where until now it was a cool-headed and rational political ideology, fighting for the little man.

A third approach would be to marginalise them. Which would mean to do to them what they are doing to the rest of the left, not abandon their ideals completely, but to consider them less important.

A fourth approach would be to cut ties and go against them in discussions and trying to prove them wrong. Cut ties with them and let them become the single issue politics that they want to be or 'pass the hot potato' by letting them go full right. I don't like this approach at all, because it would mean making enemies out of them. Plus it would mean the abandonment of many leftist ideas. But at least we would be rid of the dead weight.

And there are probably countless other approaches.

Now, does this mean that the left is weak? Absolutely not. Such infighting happens regularly both on the left and right of the political spectrum. It means that both set of ideals are evolving and becoming stronger. It means that the very thing that the left likes which is change, is currently happening on the left. Eventually, something will be done and all of this will just become a part of history.

What is your opinion on the matter.